Fact Sheet Filosofía y Letras UGR 2025-2026


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Erasmus+ Fact Sheet 2025/2026

Name of the institution


Erasmus code




Facultad de Filosofía y Letras – Faculty of Arts



Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Arts (International Relations)

Pilar Villar Argáiz

Mobility Coordinator (Erasmus+ agreements)

David Porcel Bueno

IIRR e-mail address



Nominations must be sent via email to @email including the following information:

  • First and last name as it appears in the passport
  • Student’s date of birth
  • Student’s email address
  • Semester/s student is nominated for
  • Field/s and level of study

Nomination deadlines:

From March 10th to April 30th for the winter semester/whole academic year

From September 8th to October 15th for the summer semester


Nominated students will receive instructions via email. The application process must be completed online.

Application deadlines:

From April 1st to May15th for winter and full year mobilities.

From October 1st to October 31st for summer mobilities.

Welcome Events (link)

Welcome events are not mandatory but strongly recommended. They usually take place the previous week to the beginning of the lecture period.

Academic Calendar (link)

Winter Semester

Summer Semester

Lecture period:

September- End December

Exam period:

Ordinary call: January

Extraordinary call: February

Lecture period

Mid-February – End May

Exam period:

Ordinary call: June

Extraordinary call: July

Course information

English-taught courses

Most courses taught in English in Faculty of Arts belong to the Bachelor’s degree in English Studies


Students nominated to study at Faculty of Arts must choose their courses within the bachelor degrees taught in Faculty of Arts.

Students are allowed to study up to 6 credits per semester in other Faculties but they will need to request it upon their arrival.

Mobility students are not allowed to sign up for curricular work placement (“prácticas externas”) courses except for those belonging to the Bachelor's degree in Archaeology (“practicum”)

Mobility students are allowed to sign up for Undergraduate Dissertation (“TFG”). Further information: https://filosofiayletras.ugr.es/docencia/trabajo-fin-grado

Exam Calendar


Learning Agreement

The Initial Learning Agreement must include the courses previously selected in the online application.

Important note: There is no guaranteed participation for courses filled-in the Learning Agreement before mobility. Student can modify their selected courses upon their arrival.

Language requirements

  • At least B1 level in Spanish language is recommended in order to take full advantage of the mobility.
  • Students who wish to take courses belonging to the Bachelor’s degree in Hispanic Philology must have a B2 level of Spanish knowledge.
  • Students who will only take courses in English must check whether they can find enough English-taught courses to fulfil their home university’s credit requirements.

Transcript of Records (ToR)

University of Granada no longer issues paper transcripts. Students are expected to download their electronically signed transcript via the “HERMES” Notification Platform.

Spanish Language courses and accreditation tests

for exchange students

CLM offers Spanish language courses on different levels every

semester. These courses are not part of degree study programmes, but additional offers.

Further information:


Buddy program

The UGR Buddy Programme is an initiative established to help international students with their cultural, academic and social integration upon their arrival at the University of Granada. Further information:

Students with special needs




Finding Accommodation


Useful information
